On July 23, 2012, four brazen con men posing as utility workers gained entry to the home of an elderly handicapped man in Daly City California. The suspects terrorized the victim, stealing cash and valuables. The suspects also forced the victim to give up his ATM PIN and the keys to his car. After the
Read MoreWe recently told you about a recovery story in which LoJack helped police recover a beautiful 1956 Chevy Bel Air. We caught up with the happy owner of the classic Chevy to hear his thoughts:
Read MoreOn June 23, 2012, the owner of a 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air Custom Convertible contacted the Pasadena Police Department to report that his vehicle had been stolen from a warehouse where he had just stored it the night before. Pasadena officers verified the theft and entered the vehicle’s information into the state and federal crime
Read MoreWhat Cities Have the Most Stolen Cars?
- June 19, 2012
The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) reported today the top 10 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) with the highest vehicle theft rates. Four of the top 10 MSAs reported more thefts in 2011 than 2010. For 2011, the 10 MSAs with the highest vehicle theft rates were: 2011 Ranking
Read MoreOn March 30, 2012, the owner of a 2006 Nissan pickup truck contacted the Woodland Police Department to report the vehicle stolen. Woodland Police completed a stolen vehicle report and had the Nissan’s information entered into the state and federal crime computers. This routine police action automatically activated the LoJack transponder concealed within the pickup
Read MoreWith a 90% success rate on cars and trucks and over 10,000 recoveries per year we here at LoJack receive unsolicited success stories and testimonials every day. Below is our most recent submission: “About 6AM on Friday, June 8th, 2012 I awoke to find my back yard door wide open, my garage door wide open,
Read MoreThe owners of a 1999 Ford Explorer discovered their vehicle had been stolen and immediately contacted the Los Angeles Police Department’s Newton Division. The responding officer completed a stolen vehicle report had the Ford’s information entered into the California and federal crime computer systems. This police action automatically and seamlessly activated the LoJack transponder concealed
Read MoreLoJack Customer Success Stories
- June 5, 2012
With a 90% success rate on cars and trucks and over 10,000 recoveries per year we here at LoJack receive unsolicited success stories and testimonials every day. Below are our most recent submissions: “Deployed military in Afghanistan” I’m a deployed Military member in Afghanistan. After getting notification from my family that my bmw was stolen
Read MoreWhen the owner of this classic 1968 Ford Mustang discovered that her vehicle had been stolen, she reported the theft to the San Diego Police Department. It was the Police department’s routine entry of the vehicle information into the nationwide law enforcement stolen vehicle computer system that automatically activated the LoJack transponder concealed in the
Read MoreAfter the owners reported their vehicle stolen to law enforcement, the vehicle information was entered into the statewide stolen vehicle system (SVS/NCIC) computer. This routine police action automatically activated the LoJack transponder concealed in the vehicle. On 5-9-12, within nineteen minutes of the LoJack system activating, an Officer from the California Highway Patrol picked up
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