July is National Vehicle Theft Protection Month
- June 25, 2012
According to the FBI, July and August are the “hottest” months for vehicle theft. As the July 4th holiday—which has the one of the highest incidences of vehicle theft of all national holidays*— approaches, LoJack Corporation and the International Association of Auto Theft Investigators (IAATI) are embarking on an education effort — National Vehicle Theft Protection Month — to help owners protect their cars, motorcycles, construction equipment and commercial vehicles from today’s professional thieves.
Now in its sixth year, this year’s National Vehicle Theft Protection Month initiative features a new all-encompassing auto theft infographic (below) that highlights the results of a new consumer intercept survey conducted by LoJack, along with the latest vehicle theft facts and stats. Also new this year are man-on-the-street and at-home video interviews — https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL87321939265A58E7&feature=plcp — featuring drivers answering a variety of vehicle theft-related questions.