Santa Maria police recover four stolen vehicle and help solve several residential burglaries SOURCE: By Tom Bolton, Noozhawk Executive Editor | @tombol | | Published on 08.16.2012 11:20 p.m. Officers using the LoJack anti-theft system to track a stolen vehicle ended up making eight arrests Thursday for a variety of offenses, according to the Santa

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Upon reviewing our recoveries, we often come across those involving relationships that have gone so wrong they end with stories about stolen (and thanks to the LoJack System, recovered) vehicles.  With Valentine’s Day being today, here are a few theft stories that turned out “lovely” for the victims and not so great for their former

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LoJack® continues to be No. 1 in theft recovery, with a recovery rate greater than 90% on cars and trucks. Since 1986, LoJack has recovered more than 300,000 stolen vehicles and construction equipment—worth nearly $4 billion. LoJack has had some incredible recovery stories over the course of its 25+ years. Below are the international recoveries

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LoJack® continues to be No. 1 in theft recovery, with a recovery rate greater than 90% on cars and trucks. Since 1986, LoJack has recovered more than 300,000 stolen vehicles and construction equipment—worth nearly $4 billion. LoJack has had some incredible recovery stories over the course of its 25+ years. Below are the luxury vehicle

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