Electrical Contractor adds LoJack to Third Utility Trailer after having Two Stolen in the Past Two Years
- June 1, 2012
An electrical contractor in Raleigh, North Carolina had two utility trailers and electrical testing equipment stolen in the past two years. Each of those trailers had been equipped with locks on the doors, trailer hitch, wheels, and a wheel boot (like those placed on illegally parked vehicles). In each theft, those anti-theft devices had been defeated and the trailers never recovered. The third trailer a 2009 19” Leonard enclosed utility trailer had all the same anti-theft devices attached but this time a LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System was added. This trailer had been left secured by locks in the company’s business parking lot however the employees returned to the parking lot to find only a damaged lock and portion of a chain link to be in the parking lot. The crime was quickly reported to the Raleigh Police Department (RPD).
Having reported the trailer stolen to RPD, the vehicle information was entered into the NCIC police computer. This routine police action automatically activated the LoJack transponder concealed in the vehicle.
Within two hours of the activation, a Wake County Sheriff Office Deputy on routine patrol received the silent LoJack homing signal with the LoJack Police Tracking Computer installed in department’s patrol units. Following the directional and audible signal of LoJack, deputies were taken into the Raleigh city limits off I-40 and Rock Quarry Road. Information of the LoJack track was broadcast to the RPD and RPD officers came to the area to assist in the track. The trailer and its contents were recovered in a sub division off Rock Quarry Road and Shepherd Valley St. The trailer was in tow at the time. RPD questioned and arrested a suspect for the felony possession of stolen property. The trailer was towed and stored until the evidence was processed and the owner took custody. There was no loss of equipment and the only damage during this crime was the locks that had been cut from the trailer to allow movement of the trailer.
Portions of this story were obtained from the Raleigh Police Department