LoJack Equipped Honda Accord Crosstour Recovered Inside Container at Port Of Houston
- October 11, 2011
This suspect was pretty slick, but not quite slick enough. On 09/27/2011 on a dealer lot, a customer asked to look at a 2011 Honda Accord Crosstour. The customer was given the key to open the vehicle and inspect it, but did not drive it off the lot. The customer returned the keys and advised the dealership sales person he had to meet his wife at a mall just down the road and would return to make the purchase of the vehicle.
After some time had passed the sales person decided to move the vehicle into the back lot. When he checked the lot he was unable to locate the vehicle. After determining the vehicle has been stolen Frisco police department was notified of the theft.
On 09/29/2011 a Texas State Trooper received the silent homing signals from the stolen vehicle with the LoJack Police Tracking Computers (PTC) that are installed in patrol cars. Houston Police auto theft officers traveled to the Port of Houston and began receiving the Reply Code of the stolen Honda.
Officers are then given directional and signal strength information by the PTC. It became clear the signal was coming from an area where shipping containers are loaded aboard ships for shipment overseas. Officers were able to identify the container with the strongest signal and U S Customs was summoned to the location.
Customs officers then opened the container and discovered the 2011 Honda Crosstour and a 2011 Toyota Tundra inside the container, both of which were reported stolen in the Dallas, Texas area. Customs identified two additional containers that were in the same name and seized them. All containers were transported to the Customs impound lot where they were opened on 09/30/2011 and three (3) additional vehicle were identified as stolen. A suspect has been identified and the investigation is continuing.
2011 Honda Accord Crosstour—LoJack Equipped
- 2011 Toyota Tundra
- 2007 Toyota Camry
- 2009 Toyota Camry
- 2010 Toyota Camry
Additional seized, yet to be identified as stolen
- Toyota 4 Runner—Grey
- Toyota 4 Runner—Black
Two (2) additional Toyota’s have been seized that are salvage vehicles.
Some photos below. Any questions?