LoJack® System Helps Georgia State Patrol Recover Stolen Porsche Panamera
- July 21, 2015
The manager of a new car dealership reported that a 2012 Porsche Panamera had been taken from the dealer using false information. The Porsche was reported stolen to the Roswell GA. Police Department.
The Roswell PD verified the theft and entered the vehicle information into the state and federal crime computers which automatically activated the LoJack® System concealed in the Porsche.
A short while later officers with the Georgia State Patrol picked up the silent LoJack signal from the stolen Porsche with the LoJack Police Tracking Computers (PTC) that was installed in patrol vehicles.
Following the directional and audible cues from the PTC, the officer was able to locate the stolen Porsche in a parking lot where it was found abandoned, in good condition and returned to the dealership.
The LoJack® System was installed in the Porsche in 2011 by a New Jersey new car dealer.