LoJack® System Helps Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Recover Stolen Chrysler 300
- December 1, 2014
On 11-19-2014, the owner of this Chrysler 300 contacted the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department and reported that vehicle had been stolen. Apparently she had parked the vehicle in her driveway and had left the car keys on the driver’s seat. The officers verified the theft and entered the vehicle information into the state and federal crime computers, which automatically activated the LoJack® System concealed in the Chrysler.
Within minutes from the activation, Deputies from the LASD San Dimas Station and officers from surrounding Police departments began picking up the silent LoJack® homing signals from the stolen Chrysler with the LoJack® Police Tracking Computers (PTC) that are installed in patrol vehicles and aircraft. A broadcast was initiated and within minutes, an officer from Glendora Police Department radioed that he had just tracked and located the vehicle parked and abandoned on Orangecrest Ave in the city of Azusa. No suspect had been observed at that time.
As the deputies responded to the location, a citizen alerted them to a male she had seen wearing a black hoodie running from the scene. A few minutes later an officer from Azusa Police Department was flagged over by another citizen who told him that a male wearing a black hoodie sweat shirt had ran into some bushes. The Azusa officer began searching and observed a male matching the description carrying a black hoodie. He was detained for investigation. Deputies had apparently located a cell phone inside the recovered Chrysler as well as property that did not belong to the victim. Deputies contacted the suspect and asked if he owned the cell phone. He denied that he did. Deputies turned on the phone and thru Facebook saw the photo of the suspect. At this time he was arrested. The suspect was later booked VC 10851 driving a motor vehicle without owner’s consent. The undamaged recovered Chrysler was released to the victim.
The LoJack® Stolen Vehicle Recovery System was installed in this Chrysler in February 2008. The recovered vehicle is valued at $14,350.