Couple Carjacked by Car Thief; K-9 & LoJack Help Police Track Down Thief & Nissan Maxima
- August 10, 2012
The following story is one that makes us all particularly proud to work at LoJack.
On August 3rd, a Southern California couple was faced with an armed man who wanted to steal their 2008 Nissan Maxima. At that point, they had to make a potentially life or death decision: do they resist this armed criminal in an attempt to keep their car and possibly face serious repercussions or do they let them take the car knowing that it was equipped with LoJack? Fortunately, they chose the latter and were unharmed.
After the thieves made off with the car, the couple reported the theft to the local police. Just two minutes after the Nissan’s LoJack was activated, deputies with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department in the city of Cudahy picked up the silent LoJack signal and began tracking the carjacked vehicle. The deputies requested LASD Air Support as well assisting deputies in the area. While one deputy was sitting at an intersection waiting for a light to change at Elizabeth St. and Atlantic Blvd, she observed the vehicle drive by her location and confirmed the license plate. As the deputy followed the stolen Nissan, the suspect pulled into a trailer park. Before stopping the vehicle, the suspect bent down, reached under the seat and then fled on foot. Responding deputies, including canine units, sealed off the trailer park and began a search for the suspect. According to police reports, the suspect entered a mobile home via a screen window, and was inside when a female occupant saw him in the living room. Alerting her husband, the suspect told the victims that he was being chased by the police and asked them to hide him, offering cash. The husband pretended to agree and told the suspect to come to the rear bathroom. He then whispered to his wife to go out the front door and tell the police where he was. Minutes later, the mobile home was surrounded, entry was made and a canine was sent into the location. The suspect was found hiding in the shower, but did not want to cooperate with deputies. Therefore, the canine was sent in and the suspect had no chance but surrender.
The suspect was taken into custody and later treated at a nearby hospital. He was released to Temple deputies for further investigation and booking of PC 459 Burglary as well as PC 218 Armed Car Jacking, due to the 9 MM Semi Automatic handgun being discovered under the driver’s seat by assisting deputies. The value of the recovered Nissan was $13,000 and was returned to its rightful and grateful owners.